Saturday, May 31, 2008

Incongruous Thoughts Concerning My Return

I'm back in Houston today, for the summer. As far as I know, it's the last time I'll really be living here, in my parents' house, which is sad to me (especially since they keep forlornly mentioning that in passing).

Even though I've left Sherman and I'm done with school, I'm still really stressed out because of:
  1. Wedding Invitations
  2. Fixing The Yearbook**
  3. ...and other things I can't remember
But I'm confident that the bride-elect will make it through, in part due to my friends. Speaking of friends, tonight I finally got to spend time with them again.

We went to a midnight showing of Jurassic Park and seeing it on the big screen again was everything I could have hoped for. I was definitely surprised and pleased to discover that my friends could recite many of the lines throughout the film with the characters.

It's odd and wonderful to have done a lot of growing up far away from someone, but when reunited, everything is as it was before. What is frustrating, though, is when you have to catch up on all the stories that took place while separated.

Part of me wishes that I could have been at John's house with tout le monde this evening, but seriously, tonight kicked ass.

Tomorrow the work begins anew. So I return to the addressing...

Vampire Weekend - M79

**Um, I'm on the yearbook staff, and I finished my section a while ago now. However, things are all kind of going to hell in a hand basket, and I'm taking on Editor-In-Chief duties because, well, no one else is!

1 comment:

Priya said...

Hey Lauren...