Monday, March 31, 2008

fingers crossed

I moved a lot of academic things around today and met with a bunch of professors and I think I will survive. And graduate, maybe. And (perhaps) make up these late assignments.

In other news, I found a tattoo artist I like!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Threat Level: Midnight

Just a couple of quick things before bed...

John is watching some Office dvds and I'm surprised by how much I've missed this show. Hopefully, when it comes back, it will come back as strong as the second season was, and not as heavy on the Jim/Pam awkwardness. I feel like less = more in that area. Also, Jan needs some dignity back, dammit.

Earlier today the woman printing the wedding invitations sent John and I some proofs. I'm excited about it in the way that I want to email it to everyone I know to show them. Seeing it and our names makes me very heureuse.

Il faut que je dors maintenant. If I want to get at least five hours of sleep, that is.

[EDIT]: I wanted to mention this last night but didn't really have the time. Some of you out there may not be following all the political stuff and if that's the case you will probably be just as flabbergasted as I have been seeing this video of HRC lying about a trip to Bosnia and then getting called on it.
And it's even more dumbfounding when she tries to poorly brush it off: "so if I misspoke, that was just a misstatement".

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Keith Olbermann

Watching this, just now, was one of the more moving and thoughtful things I have seen in journalism in a while.

I'm just really impressed with his sincerity.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Right Now

Right now John's in bed and he just started snoring. Right now I'm working very slowly on a paper. Right now I'm fighting the increasing weight of my head and the urge to rest it on the desk. Right now I can't see the end of the tunnel. Right now I'm frighteningly apathetic and scared shitless.

Friday, March 7, 2008

this post is boring but i'm gonna post it anyway

Last night I received a deliverance of an email in which my French professor canceled class and postponed the due date of our paper. So because my weekend had unexpectedly started early, I decided to try something that I'd been waiting to try for a while. I tried to make the unicorn from Blade Runner.

All I've been making lately have been paper cranes and flapping birds, so I was excited to find a website with step-by-step photos of the unicorn's construction. However, I realized after a while that this one would require more than one sheet of paper, and for some reason I find origami that requires more than one square kinda lame. In the end, I have the front half of a unicorn and maybe someday I'll make the little guy a rear.

Priya - thank you so much for the finger video; I found it to be very inspiring in a way. And don't worry about being too dark - I like dark.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

kind of like this post?

I voted. It felt really anti-climatic.

At least I can caucus later, right? Me like.