About a week ago I first read about this breaking news of a model's body being found in a dumpster in outside of Los Angeles, but I couldn't really find any photos of the victim at the time. So I looked up her model mayhem page (it's like facebook for models) and after coming to terms that she might have one of the weirdest faces I've ever seen, I began reading all the messages on her wall. When you think about it, it's kind of a new phenomenon to write an unlimited number of messages to a deceased person in a place that's public and highly accesible to everyone, you know? And, while I haven't studied a great deal of "memorial walls" or whatever you wish to call them, I've seen so many cases of people just not knowing how to appropritely express their feelings. Hence, I share with you what I found on Jasmine Fiore's Model Mayhem wall that has had me chuckling over the past few days:
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