Saturday, August 16, 2008

new things

so I have a brand new computer...and I'm realizing that it really sucks when you lose all of your bookmarks. otherwise, this new computer thing is pretty sweet. i like having my laptop actually on my lap without blocking circulation to my extremities.

also, my new computer is small enough that it can share my lap with a kitten! Stella! you are asleep on me right now! it's so cute when she uses my (or john's) chest as a bed. when she sneezes she sounds like the first time you turn a sprinkler on in a long while and all the air rushes out. kind of a pffffft noise.

i'm trying to catch up and re-find all of my favorite blogs, and i'm very taken aback to check my friend priya's and see both jordan and robert commenting?! i mean, wha? pleasant surprise.

marion should be visiting next weekend, and we will go and see some master pancake-ing of jurassic park. it won't be the same without priya, though.

right now john is playing the new madden - i just helped him create his own fantasy team. he made the wise decision of following my advice when choosing his logo/mascot (which is a demon/devil theme), but when it came to the name of the team john pretty vehemently discarded my suggestion of the "Teufels", which is German for demon. i really love it. john said it sounded too funny. there's a really old German poem that talks about when the teufels come out to dance in the graveyard, and how the townspeople are so frightened, which I remember reading in class, but I just looked for it for like 20 minutes and couldn't find it.

we comprimised with "Geist".

this cat is just dead-weight in my arms as I type. she's cuter than a real-life moogle.

anyway, on the topic of the wedding somewhat, i really wish there were more occasions where we could get all of our friends under the same roof to party. that made me so happy.

oh, I almost forgot, I created an ApplyTexas account last night, and I'm working on a portfolio for that. derp...


j.l. parker said...

marion invited me to jurassic park and pancakes, but i'm cat sitting this weekend. we both just assumed that it would have been okay with you.


Priya said...

i'm so sad i missed JP with you guys, BUT i successfully convinced kyle to visit me in october during fall break, so we will be seeing you then.
stella's a great name for a cat. send her and john my love! talk soon...