My entire family and I are sick. It's probably just a cold, but we're all fairly miserable, and our alternating coughs sound like a handbell concert of influenza. And despite the fact that my every sneeze is followed by a terrifying, raspy scream (from the pain), the worst part of all of this for me are the dreams I have each time I sleep. They grip me and refuse to let go, and I feel like I have to physically fight to wake up. And when I finally wake I'm in a daze where I feel weak and incredibly alone. So now I dread falling asleep.
I watched bits and pieces of a show on cataplexy last night, and another show on primordial dwarfism. The former is terrifying, and the latter I've seen half a dozen specials on recently. What's interesting for me, about the primordial dwarfism, is that with each individual I see with the disorder, the more I notice a distinct bone-structure pattern, and the more that pattern resembles someone I know (who does not have the disorder).
Finally, I recently re-watched the two UK specials of The Office, which made me even more convinced that the UK Office is, for me, #1 all-time favorite.
Hashtag Blessed, Basically
I blog less when I'm happy. A lot less. I think that's true of everyone,
really. You're too busy experiencing the moment and spend a lot less time
10 years ago
Fight it, don't...
Wow, I thought you were someone else. Thanks for finally identifying yourself or I would have gone on not commenting forever. I can't believe/am tickled pink that Chris is going to be your wedding photographer. How did that happen? You know he's getting married this year too? Whoa. WHY DON'T YOU ALL JUST GET MARRIED? I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your Jan 1st party. I missed you very much. Call me soon, I can't keep typing here. Wah.
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