Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I'm watching an old episode of Chappelle's Show, and suddenly I notice Karen Filippelli in one of the skits. Look!


John said...

Wow, you're very exotic-looking. Was your father a GI?

J. Goerner said...

the love contract, if memory serves

L said...

jeremy, yeah, i can't find the video, but it says on imdb that she's in that. i realized yesterday that there are a ton of things i did not know about rashida jones - like that she's half african-american...

John said...

Surprised that she's only half black or surprised that she's black at all?

L said...

um, i thought she was just a very olive-toned caucasian.

i'm embarrassed.

J. Goerner said...

i think her father was a GI