On Tuesday morning I rang up a customer for the correct price of his drink, despite the fact that he tried to word his order in a way that I would charge him less. (People like that are my least favorite types...and sadly they are pretty abundant.) Well, when I apologetically wouldn't budge on the price (my manager was right next to me!) he left without getting anything.
I found out today he called the corporate line to file a complaint about me. He told them I was very rude and embarrassed him in front of the other people in line. If my manager hadn't been working with me when this occurred, I'm 99% sure I would have been reprimanded and had corrective action taken against me. But since she was there, she backed me up and pointed out his lies. Corporate, however, did not back me up, and told us that we should have basically let him get away with his (flawed) logic.
The difference in his drink price, folks?
Fifty fucking cents.
Hashtag Blessed, Basically
I blog less when I'm happy. A lot less. I think that's true of everyone,
really. You're too busy experiencing the moment and spend a lot less time
10 years ago