Saturday, May 31, 2008

Incongruous Thoughts Concerning My Return

I'm back in Houston today, for the summer. As far as I know, it's the last time I'll really be living here, in my parents' house, which is sad to me (especially since they keep forlornly mentioning that in passing).

Even though I've left Sherman and I'm done with school, I'm still really stressed out because of:
  1. Wedding Invitations
  2. Fixing The Yearbook**
  3. ...and other things I can't remember
But I'm confident that the bride-elect will make it through, in part due to my friends. Speaking of friends, tonight I finally got to spend time with them again.

We went to a midnight showing of Jurassic Park and seeing it on the big screen again was everything I could have hoped for. I was definitely surprised and pleased to discover that my friends could recite many of the lines throughout the film with the characters.

It's odd and wonderful to have done a lot of growing up far away from someone, but when reunited, everything is as it was before. What is frustrating, though, is when you have to catch up on all the stories that took place while separated.

Part of me wishes that I could have been at John's house with tout le monde this evening, but seriously, tonight kicked ass.

Tomorrow the work begins anew. So I return to the addressing...

Vampire Weekend - M79

**Um, I'm on the yearbook staff, and I finished my section a while ago now. However, things are all kind of going to hell in a hand basket, and I'm taking on Editor-In-Chief duties because, well, no one else is!

Monday, May 12, 2008


This is brilliant, in my opinion, and I don't know why I was completely unaware of it until now. Sign me up for that! I can't wait for German and Japanese versions.

Yay for part 1 of the House season finale in 10 minutes.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

i feel like things are crawling on me

Through the noise emanating from my television, I thought I could hear something rustling nearby. I muted the TV for a while, and recognized that dreadful noise of some bug creeping-crawling through your possessions. After I turned on all the lights, I spotted a black, medium-sized beetle or cockroach. This angered me very much. After playing cat and mouse for a few minutes, I finally squashed the speedy creature. But then, when I was washing my hands in the bathroom, I noticed that the rather loud cricket noises weren't only coming from outside, but from inside the bathroom as well! This pissed me off even more. I searched around for a while, but I've come to the conclusion that this cricket lives somewhere behind the sink cabinets.

I can't wait to leave this wretched place.

the end?

For maybe the first time, the opinions I hear on my television on MSNBC right now are relaxing me.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

geez, this post is a downer, huh?

For the past eight years (or more?), my birthday has coincided with finals, exams, tests, and other forms of frippery. So, as far as I presently know, this will be the last year of that.

So, yay.

The sensation of having one's birthday forgotten is not something I've personally had to experience, and I'd like to think I'd handle it gracefully if that were ever to occur. However, I've noticed a trend in the college years that if I don't surround myself with people or plan/prepare something I end up getting really depressed. And I want to stress that it's not because I'm a "look at me, look at me" person, but rather I just dwell on the fact that almost all of my closest friends and loved ones are so very, very far away. And I miss them.

So, here's hoping that a distraction presents itself, because I have no time to look for one right now.

On the brighter side, I can't wait to eat some Guerreros tonight! That stuff is as yum as all get out.